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AP tutoring

Private tutoring for every major academic and AP subject. 

How it works

ONe-on-one Instruction

Academic and AP tutoring is one-on-one. Students already receive group instruction in the classroom; our goal is to take what they learn in a group environment and personalize it to their needs. This also allows us to incorporate executive functioning and study skill support as needed.

flexible scheduling

Generally speaking, students benefit from long term support as opposed to "quick fixes" before a test. That said, we know emergencies happen! With no package or hourly minimums, academic tutoring can be scheduled on an as-needed basis.

academic subject experts

Our tutors have delivered virtual tutoring for 5+ years, and many worked as credentialed teachers prior to that. In addition to being academic subject experts, all tutors are trained to provide executive functioning and study skill support as needed.

Meet our tutors here!

Ap, IB & College class support

In addition to providing support for every major high school subject, we tutor for AP, IB, and college curriculum. We can work with students to prepare for AP exams even if their school does not provide an AP class for the given subject. 

Academic tutoring is $185 per hour and we bill at the end of each month, after sessions have been delivered. 
How it Works
AP Resources

AP resources

Marigold Prep offers free practice exams for every major AP subject every Sunday, and live webinars about AP exams once per month. 

If you are interested in arranging a practice test or webinar for your school community,
please contact us
No events at the moment

FAQ & Contact

How is the program structured?

Academic tutoring is customized to your student's needs and schedule, but most students meet with their tutor for one or two 90 minute sessions per week. Academic tutoring is $185 per hour and we bill at the end of each month, after sessions have been delivered.

What if my student needs help with multiple subjects?

All Marigold tutors are experts in a wide variety of subject areas and, when possible, we pair students with a tutor who can help with all academic needs. When this is not possible, and your student needs to work with multiple Marigold tutors, the tutors stay in close communication so we can function as a team. 

My student needs help with academic content AND executive functioning/ study skills. Will this help?

Yes! In addition to academic tutors we provide executive functioning and study skill support. We incorporate this into academic programs as needed to foster short and long term success. 

What does the curriculum look like?

In general, we aim to parallel the curriculum a student is covering in school. We equip our tutors with the same textbooks your student uses in class, and they stay several steps ahead so they can proactively prepare your student for success. ​

When there are major academic gaps from past classes, we implement supplemental curriculum as-needed.

What if my student has a learning difference and/or a 504 or IEP?

We have several tutors on our team with extensive training and experience working with neurodivergent learners and students with 504s or IEPs.  Marigold Prep's founder, Cassie Brown, was diagnosed with ADHD in 9th grade and is passionate about providing opportunities to students who think a little differently. 

Can my student do tutoring with a sibling or friend?

Yes! If your student and a friend(s) struggling in the same class, please contact us to discuss a customized group program. 

Getting started

The path to academic success can be an intensely personal process, which is why we recommend contacting us directly to discuss your student's specific needs. After a complimentary consultation, we will recommend a schedule, tutor, and strategy that supports your student's goals. 

In general, we are not fans adding to a student's to-do list and will review recent coursework to determine academic needs. That said, we are happy to provide complimentary academic, AP, and/ or cognitive diagnostics upon request.  

Hours & Contact

Mon - Sun: 7am - 7pm

AP® , PSAT/NMSQT®, & SAT® are trademarks registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this website.

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